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Secure your Data & Ensure Your Business is safe, from exploits fraud and idenity theft.
Over the last 18 months roughly 3 trillion in assets were siezed as cyber crime continues to grow expontationally.
We leverage our unique Ai platform, to uncover bugs, secure data, uncover vulernabilies, and track crypto asset movement.
Versatility defines our platform
We used all of github as the training set and with propritary tech, have created ai that can interprete semantics, images and then write and optimize code to solve what it discovers.
GP3-T from OpenAI + a Universal ast parser, combined with cuda acceleration lets try 700 Teraflops an hour of calculations.
We can brute force a 14 character password create with scrypt in 19 minutes. Whats your security like?

We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Years of Experience
Indicators used
Of data protected a month
Platform partners
Open AI

Are You Ready to embrace the future?
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